

Our history curriculum aims to develop the children’s enquiring minds towards finding out more about the past. History helps pupils to understand the process of change, the diversity of societies and how historical people and events have impacted our society today.

Our history curriculum encourages the children to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective and judgment whilst developing the independence to have confidence in their own analysis of situations and accept that others views may be different to their own.


History plays an important role in the curriculum at Great Wishford. The children will develop the skills required to be successful historians. They will look closely at the world around them, starting locally and then further afield with nationally and then globally, and gain an appreciation of people, time and places different to their own. The subject is taught from Early Years (in the form of Understanding the World) through to Year 6. Children gain new knowledge skills along the way, as well as further developing what they have learned before. Where possible we seek to further enhance these learning experiences with relevant trips, both locally and further afield.


The children at Great Wishford will leave the school equipped with both the skills and knowledge required to access the subject at Key Stage 3. They will also be able to better understand Britain’s place in the world and how past events have shaped the local area around them, national lifestyles and the global world.

Click here to see the national curriculum