
It is my privilege to introduce you to Great Wishford Church of England V.A. Primary School, where great teaching and learning are at the heart of everything we do. Our vision, No challenge too big, no child too small – for with God nothing will be impossible (Luke 1:37), exemplifies our determination to ensure all our children are ambitious and reach their goals.

Our school values of creativity, friendship, truthfulness, service, perseverance, and respect underpin our exciting curriculum and are embedded into our everyday practices and interactions. These values help to prepare our children to face the future with confidence and integrity.

We pride ourselves in our close-knit school community through which we develop a strong sense of belonging by knowing our children well and providing rich opportunities that inspire and motivate.

Should you wish to see our vibrant, supportive community in action, we would be delighted to welcome you for a visit. Please contact the school office, and we will be more than happy to arrange a suitable time for you to come and see our wonderful school first-hand.


Hannah Shillito


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